Presenter: Team of Teams and Mission Command for the Security Cooperation Directorate
Presented General Stanley McChrystal’s book “Team of Teams” alonside Don Vandergrift’s book “Mission Command” to the Security Cooperation Directorate in a seminar about building Teams and Mission Command.

Guest Speaker: The African Way of War
Oxford, UK: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 (All Souls College)

Guest Speaker: Terrorist Sanctuary
Army Strategist Association, Vicenza, Italy: October 2018
Spoke with the Hannibal Barca – Scipio Africanus Chapter of the US Army Strategist Association in a discussion about Terrorist Sanctuary in the Sahara and frame contemporary US Strategy in Africa.

Radio Interview: Armed Forces Network
AFN, Vicenza, Italy: June 2018
Discussion with our USARAF Public Affairs Office and Vicenza Armed Forces Network (AFN) about being a soldier what motivates me.

Guest Speaker: US Army Africa and Security Assistance in Ethiopia
Military Affairs and Counter-Terrorism Society at University College London: May 2018
Guest Speaker: The Theater Army in Security Cooperation and Role of the Security Cooperation Directorate
Defense Institute of Security Cooperation Studies, Vicneza, Italy: December 2017

Teaching Assistant: History of the Cold War by Professor John Lewis Gaddis
Yale University: Fall 2014
Coordinator: African Studies Speakers Series
Yale University: Fall 2014 and Spring 2015
Guest Speaker: Security Cooperation Office Perspective
Defense Institute of Security Cooperation Studies, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: July 2014 as well as numerous presentations in Djibouti 2012 & 2013.
Guest Speaker: African Security Challenges for Special Operations-the Case of Mali
Joint Special Operations University, Hurlburt Field, Florida: July 2014

Guest Speaker: US Army Reserves
French Army Reserve Association, Toulouse, France: December 2008

Guest Speaker: Memorial Day Celebration
Delavan, Wisconsin: May 20, 2005

Keynote Speaker: 50th Anniversary of United Nations Luncheon
United Nations Association of the USA, San Fransisco: June 27, 1995
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If want to know more about an upcoming event or speaking opportunties, please feel free to connect-